Tuesday 16 February 2021

5 Most Common Mistakes in Hajj & Umrah

 Rundown of a portion of the incredibly normal errors that scores of individuals make, after a seemingly endless amount of time after year, so we can be exhausted of them and shield and keep ourselves from making them. This way Insha Allah our Hajj will be nearer to the Sunnah and more satisfactory to Allah ﷻ.

Misstep 1: 'Kissing' the Black Stone from a long way away and halting during Tawaf to do as such

Kissing the Black Stone is an excellent Sunnah and an honor undoubtedly for the person who can do as such. Nonetheless, because of the gigantic group, larger part of individuals can't arrive at it. Such countless individuals attempt to "kiss" it from a long way away. At the point, khareedo when they are in accordance with the Black Stone, they halt abruptly during Tawaf, face the Black Stone, set up two hands on their head and 'kiss' the Black Stone in air, as though the Black Stone were directly before them. Or then again they toss 'flying kisses' at the Black Stone. Other than being an off-base work on, halting the progression of Tawaf causes interruption and pointless jamming here, in this manner making a great deal of bother to individual explorers.

'Distance kissing' isn't from the Sunnah obviously. All the Prophet (Peace and gift of Allah arrive) did while doing Tawaf was kiss the Black Stone on the off chance that he effectively could do as such, or contact it with his hand and kiss his hand. In any case, when it was packed, he simply highlighted it from a long way away and said, "Allāhu Akbar." That's it.

It was portrayed that Abu Tufayl (may Allah be satisfied with him) said, "I saw the Messenger of Allah (Peace and gift of Allah arrive) perform Tawaf around the House, contacting the corner (where the Black Stone is) with a slanted staff which he had with him, at that point kissing the staff." [Sahih Muslim]

Ibn Abbas said, "The Messenger of Allah (Peace and gift of Allah arrive) performed Tawaf on his camel, and each opportunity he went to the corner (where the Black Stone is) he would highlight it and say Allāhu Akbar." [Al-Bukhari, no. 4987]

That is all we require to do. On the off chance that we are far away from the Black Stone, we should highlight it with our correct hand, say Allāhu Akbar and proceed onward. No confronting the Ka'bah, no 'distance kissing', no halting abruptly. Continue to move and don't upset the progression of the Tawaf.

Sheik Bin Baz said, "It ought to be noticed that the Tawaf remains completely legitimate without kissing the Black Stone. In the event that one doesn't or can't kiss the Black Stone. it is adequate just to highlight it, saying 'Allāhu Akbar' when one comes corresponding to it, albeit one might be a ways off from it." [Fatawa Bin Baz]

Misstep 2: Shouting out Du'a as one

A few people yell as loud as possible, as one, while making Du'a during Tawaf. They follow an Imam or a pioneer who says out various Du'as resoundingly, and afterward the supporters all rehash after him as one. This creates a ton of turmoil and upsets others occupied with their own Du'as, causing them to lose center and Khushoo'. Furthermore, clearly, it is likewise not befitting that one should yell and speak loudly in a spot as consecrated as the Haram.

The proper activity is to know, before you go for Tawaf, the Du'as that you need to make, the Qur'an you need to recount, and so forth This way you will not need to follow anyone and you will make your own Du'a, in your own language, from your own heart. It will give you better fixation and fulfillment. Plan your Du'as early; rehash them to yourself, with modesty and Khushoo'. All things considered, you're making Du'a to the One Who hears all and sees all. The Prophet (Peace and gift of Allah arrive) said, "Every single one of you is bantering with his Lord, so don't upset each other or speak loudly more than each other when perusing (or he said) while supplicating." [Abu Dawood, Sahih by Al-Albani]

Misstep 3: Designating explicit Du'as for explicit rounds

A few people assign explicit Du'as for each round and there are even books that have explicit Du'as composed for each round. This isn't something from the Shariah. The Prophet (Peace and gift of Allah arrive) didn't discuss a particular Du'a in any of the rounds, and neither did his partners. In the event that there was something like this, at that point he would have enlightened us concerning it, and he would have done so himself first.

Thursday 4 February 2021

Saudi authorities shut 540 Umrah agents for breaking visa rules


Abu Dhabi: Saudi authorities have shut down 540 Umrah agents after their pilgrims overstayed their visas, Saad Jamil Al Qurashi, former head of the Saudi Haj and Umrah Committee, said. Al Qurashi told Al Watan newspaper there were only about 100 Umrah companies operating, pointing out that COVID-19 pandemic restrictions have caused about 10,000 employees to be made redundant.

Each Umrah company employs about 20 employees at airports, checkpoints, hotels and companies' sites, in addition to more than 800 corporate managers, managing directors and executives.

Al Qurashi said the losses of Umrah companies are in the hundreds of millions of riyals and all the fines are related to the pilgrims’ overstaying of their visas, indicating that the fine for breaking the visa for one pilgrim is 25,000 riyals.

He demanded that the affected Umrah companies be allowed to resume their business, and that the reservations be treated as before, taking into account the COVID-19 circumstances, and the lack of reservations, which forced Umrah pilgrims to overstay their visas.

Al Qurashi pointed out that it is possible to take a pledge from each affected company not to repeat such violations and allow them to carry out their business, especially in light of the current pandemic situation, the small number of pilgrims and the delay in the reopening of flights.

Meantime, a number of Umrah companies appealed to authorities to take into account the burdens they incurred in the current circumstances and to revise the rules accordingly.

Who can go for Umrah?

Pilgrims between the ages of 18 and up to 50 years old can apply to go, via a registered agent. They definitely need a PCR test issued, max 72 hrs prior to landing in Saudi Arabia. They will also need a Fit to Fly Certificate.

Quarantine is required

Pilgrims will book a package with their agent for a three day quarantine period in their hotels with full board. Their transport will also be scheduled with the agents to take them from the airport to their hotels and then Mecca and Medinah.

Group size

The maximum group size for Umrah is 25-50 people and they will need to have their own lead on the ground as well. Bookings cannot be cancelled or changed.

Because the application is done online and to make sure that everything is accurate pilgrims cannot cancel or change their bookings for Umrah packages in short notice. Agents will need to enter pilgrims’ names and details into an app 24hrs prior to their travelling.

Booking slots for Masjid Al Nabawi and Al Haram

Pilgrims’ agents will have to register their intention on the I’tamarna app for when they visit.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

How to Find Best Available Umrah Packages Through Internet

Probably the best place to find cheap flights for performing umrah obligation is the internet. However, if we do not completely protect ourselves when shopping online similarly if we do not take care while searching online for umrah packages then it can cause a big loss and suffering from us.

However, if you follow some simple then it will be helpful for you to find and purchase the cheapest umrah packages so that you can be able to get 100% satisfaction from your vacation.

The first thing for searching best available and cheap umrah packages is to use major search engines like Yahoo, Google or Bing by typing the following phrases: "Cheap Umrah Packages, Hajj Packages 2012". You will see lots of sites that offer all-inclusive services required for offering umrah in your packages and you can check out various packages in detail.

The second thing to do is take a quick look at each site and determine whether it is a proper and registered company from which you are going to take information about umrah packages. Most Internet companies are good at working with business, but unfortunately not all. The tourism sector is one of the categories of cases known to have made some unscrupulous operators so you need to be really careful. If you have a website which also has a brand name of a company the it is always better to book your umrah packages from such a website.

If you have any doubts about trustworthiness and reliability of a company then alternatively you can ask friends or relatives who have already performed this sacred umrah or hajj travel. Be careful about checking all details of your umrah packages including flight, airline on which you are traveling, accommodation, transportation, standard of hotel where you are going to stay and other services related to performing your umrah obligation.

Once you have this information, you can search for hotels on the internet and confirm the facilties which are being promised to you in umrah packages offered by your umrah travel agent. Also, it can be a good idea to search for people who have recently stayed in such hotles and check out online reviews and testimonials of customers of such hotels.

Once you have checked all these things then you can book Hajj or Umrah packages with quite satisfaction. If you follow all tips mentioned above then it is most likely that the trip will go as planned, it would be a fantastic and wonderful experience of your life.

Saturday 10 March 2012

What Are Important Things to Consider Before Choosing Umrah Packages

Hajj and Umrah are obligations majority of Muslims who wish to pursue. Hajj is obligatory for every Muslim who has physical and monetary resources to cover the cost of the pilgrimage at least once in his life. Umrah, however, is not as mandatory as the Hajj. Umrah also has a significant religious importance in Islam.

Hajj is performed in the month of Zull-Haj (12th month of the Islamic calendar), while umrah can be performed throughout the year. Muslims around the world make the sacred journey to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. However, there are few things to consider for all Muslims before planning your umrah so we can fulfill this religious obligation with sufficient comfort and peace of mind.

The first thing to decide before planning your umrah trip is to choose the most suitable package for umrah. Many packages are available for urmah according to the length of stay and level of services offered during the umrah. These packages range from high cost packages that offer quality accommodation and transport services at low cost umrah packages that offer accommodation and services only for transportation. However, the low quality and cheap umrah packages offer does not mean poor quality services. These packages also offer cheap umrah packages which provide all necessary facilities for umrah pilgrims but these facilities are not luxurious. You must choose your plan carefully according to your budget and the services you want to enjoy during your umrah trip.

There are many travel companies worldwide offering umrah packages and you can choose a package for you from one of these companies. However, it is crucial to choose umrah package from a company that is trustworthy. The best way to check the reliability of a company is by searching online reviews of a particular company. If someone in your family and friends has already performed the Hajj or umrah before then access to select a travel agency, so do your Umrah trip through a reliable service and not have to face difficulties during their journey.

One more important thing to consider before choosing the appropriate umrah packages is to check the distance of your accommodation Haram-e-Kaaba. Many travel companies offer luxurious accommodation but usually these hotels are located at remote distance from Masjid-ul-Haram and pilgrims have to cover long distances to visit the Holy Kaaba and this becomes a bit tedious especially if pilgrims are more than 40 years of age. Therefore, always remember to make sure that you choose a hotel that is situated within driving distance from Grand Mosque of Mecca.
If you are going to the holy umrah trip with your family then also ask your umrah packages providers that you are being offered a shared room or a room exclusively for your family. This is important because it is always best to choose an exclusive room for your family to perform their sacred umrah duty with confidence.

Friday 9 March 2012

A Brief Guide to Perform Sacred Umrah Travel

Hajj and umrah are obligations of too much significance in Islam. Every Muslim has a desire in his heart to offer pilgrimage in Mecca and Medina at least once in his life. If you are planning to offer Umra pilgrimage then there are few things that are needed to be considered.

First, it is always better to book a complete Umrah package from a umrah service company. Duration of Umrah travel consists of 5, 10, 15 days or even a month. Therefore it is always advisable to book complete packages for such a long travel. If you book a umrah package then you do not have to worry about each and every thing to manage during your umrah pilgrimage. This gives you a complete satisfaction of mind during your spiritual journey and you can offer your sacred rites of umrah with great ease.

Secondly, do not panic to choose umrah package from a company. Take the time to know details of various umrah packages offered by different companies and compare prices and facilities offered in these packages to make sure that you go for a best and cheap umrah packages for your trip to get.

It is also very important to check the reputation of a company from whom you will book your umrah package. This can be done by getting reviews from people who have used umrah services of that company, so you can check out the quality of services and facilities of a certain umrah services company to understand. If you can not find a person to map a particular umrah service will then alternatively you could go online and check for online reviews and testimonials of some urmah packages provider companies. It is always better to have a umrah package booked from such company which is registered with Saudi Ministry of Hajj and umrah as Saudi government issues licenses only to those companies that already have the standards set by Saudi Ministry of Hajj and umrah and if this company is not registered then it may not provide the services as promised which causes troubles for pilgrims.

Although umrah can now be performed at any time of year in accordance with new laws of Saudi government, but it's better to book your umrah package in January, as new umrah packages are available in January and if you book a umrah package early then you probably book a cheap umrah package because you get the opportunity to choose best package from many packages different service providers of umrah packages.

Also look at the details of your umrah packages to make sure that you will be provided with all necessary services such as accommodation, transport, visa processing, booking your tickets, visit to historical sites, schedule for your return flight, the delivery of a guide during your umrah, so you do not need any of these things to be managed on your own.

Source: Squidoo Lens

Tuesday 31 January 2012

How to Book Cheap Umrah Packages for 2012

Every practicing Muslim in the world has this deep wish of performing the holy obligation of Hajj and Umrah at least once in his lifetime.  Every Muslim in the world has a spiritual attachment with two holiest cities of Muslims; Makkah and Madinah in Saudi Arabia. Every Muslim man and woman dreams of visiting these two holiest cities and perform the holy obligation of Hajj and umrah. Hajj is usually performed at least once in a lifetime by a large number of Muslims from around the world. Umrah is not as essential as Hajj as it is recommended not obligatory like Hajj but it also has a significant importance for Muslims. Hajj and Umrah consist of rites which are considered to be the acts of worship of Prophet Abraham (A.S) and as Islam claims to be a follower of the creed and religion of Prophet Abraham, therefore, Muslims perform these rites of umrah and hajj to show their compassion towards Prophet Abraham (A.S).
It is being expected that record number of pilgrims would offer hajj and umrah this year in 2012 because Saudi Government has introduced some reforms to facilitate hajj and umrah pilgrims. Pilgrims from around the world are now allowed to perform umrah throughout the year without any restrictions of time. Also, construction work in Grand Mosque of Makkah is under progress so that a large number of Muslims can be able to do worship in their most sacred places. Also, authorities of Jeddah airport and other Saudi airports have taken several steps to facilitate foreign pilgrims from all around the world so that they may not need to stay at airports for hours. Due to all these factors, it is being expected that number of pilgrims performing hajj and umrah will be highest in history coming to Makkah and Madinah.
If you are planning to perform hajj or umrah this year in 2012 then it is crucial to keep some points in mind for booking best and cheap umrah packages 2012.
First of all, carefully choose your hajj or umrah packages by keeping in view your budget and needs. A large number of umrah and hajj packages are available for Muslims in UK ranging from cheap umrah packages to extremely costly umrah packages. You will have to decide that what type of hajj or umrah packages best suit your needs. Although, cheap umrah packages also offer all basic facilities for performing hajj and umrah like accommodation and transport, the difference is there only in quality of services provided.
Saudi Hajj ministry has recently taken a new step to allow only registered companies in UK to offer hajj and umrah packages and services. Therefore, it is necessary to take services of only those companies which are registered with Saudi Hajj Ministry. Internet is the best source to check the trustworthiness of a hajj and umrah packages provider company by searching for its reviews and testimonials online. Also, internet is the best source to check out the details of facilities and prices of umrah packages offered by each company.
So, don’t forget to check out above mentioned points if you are planning to offer hajj and umrah this year in 2012. 
Source: Umrah Packages Blog

Friday 27 January 2012

Umrah for 2012 Allowed Only for Return Ticket Holders

According to new plan issued by Saudi authorities for umrah in 2012, only those pilgrims will be allowed to enter into the Saudi Kingdom for performing umrah who will have valid (confirmed) return tickets with them.
Saudi Hajj and umrah ministry has recently announced a plan to handle and manage hajj and umrah season for 2012 starting from 25th January. It is being expected that a record number of pilgrims so far will perform hajj and umrah in 2012 so it is a big challenge for Saudi authorities to handle such a large number of foreign pilgrims from all over the world.
All these steps have been taken by Saudi authorities to ensure that umrah and hajj pilgrims may perform their umrah and hajj with quite convenience and without any trouble and also they avail maximum facilities offered by Saudi Government to pilgrims.
Saudi hajj ministry has also issued some instructions for umrah pilgrims as well to not to stop at bus stops, air ports and hotel floors to avoid any rush at the occasion of hajj and umrah.
It is also worth mentioning here that Saudi ministry of hajj plays no role in arranging facilities for umrah zaireen like accommodation and travel to ensure that only quality services be provided to pilgrims but for the time being, umrah packages are provided by private travel services companies. However, Saudi Government will monitor standard of services provided by urea packages providers to ensure quality of their services.
A well-known umrah packages blog had first issued news about plan issued by Saudi Government for umrah travelers and umrah services providers.